AromaPoint Alchemy For Migraines


Migraines can be episodic, throbbing in character, and remain for hours or days. Usually a migraine involves one side if the head. During the attack of a migraine headache, most people feel nauseated and sensitive to light. Sometimes, the person may see zigzag lines shimmer across their field of vision.

Try these essential oils and acupressure points to relieve the pressure and find relief.


Lavender is famous for its ability to relax and calm us when we are stressed.

That’s because it is an autonomic nervous system regulator and systemic nervous relaxant. Plus, it has analgesic, (pain relieving) qualities as well being a spasmolytic, meaning that it can reduce spasms and cramps. This is where it comes very handy for migraines where there is tension and vascular constriction.

It also has mildly cooling quality that can help reduce irritability, anxiety and stress related conditions including insomnia.

Interesting to note that when the potential for an episode to come on, it may cause a mild panic where the limbic brain kicks in and could overwhelm any logical, practical response. Some studies have shown that lavender can potentially reduce the limbic system and basal ganglia hyper-functioning and help the temporal lobes return to its normal function.

On the emotional front, lavender can assist in getting past insecurities and being open to speaking one’s truth. Sometimes unexpressed emotions can lead to all sorts of dis-ease. Using lavender as an ally to help express feelings could save so much suffering, on many levels.

Lavender can be applied neat although I always recommend diluting for children or those with sensitive skin.

Try It On These Points

Gallbladder 20 or “Wind Pond” is located behind the neck where the neck muscles attach to the skull. This point nourishes the brain and relieves a stiff neck and shoulders. It’s also helpful for migraines, blurry eyes, and fatigue.

It’s a very powerful point for enhancing clarity when confused or unable to form decisions.

Press the lavender oil on both points. Breathe and hold the for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).

Large Intestine 4 or “Joining of The Valley’s” is located on both hands on the thumb side of each hand, in the webbing between the thumb and teh index finger approximately one inch above the web.

This point is classic for calming anxiety and relieving pain in the head, face, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. It also helps to balance the energy in the body.

Place the lavender essential oil on your fingers or directly on the acupressure point and press just enough to feel the pressure but not enough to hurt. Hold and breathe until you feel a shift (usually 2-3 minutes).

Gallbladder 21 or “Shoulder Well” is located on both shoulders: This point can be found by pinching the shoulder muscles with the thumb and middle finger. It’s the highest point of the trapezius muscles.

This point is excellent for relieving tension in the shoulders, neck, chest, and head. Spiritually, this point is known to help us reunite and integrate with our highest selves.

Place the lavender essential oil on your fingers or directly on the acupressure point and press just enough to feel the pressure but not enough to hurt. Hold and breathe until you feel a shift (usually 2-3 minutes).

Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile essential oil could be considered a classic relaxant oil. It’s one of the most effective oils for treating tense conditions such as spasms pain, inflammation and stuck energy.

It has the uncanny ability to relax and diffuse tension at its root in the brain and nervous system. It’s really helpful for over sensitivity and agitation, headaches, muscle pain, spasms and many symptoms that get worse with stress.

Roman chamomile’s soft white flower petals from which the essential oil comes, supports a person in finding their true purpose. It can help ease anxiety and worries and brings peace and patience. It can even work to restore confidence in finding one’s spiritual purpose.

Highly effective acupressure points for Roman chamomile to relieve migraines are GB20, GV16, as well as CV12, located on the middle of the torso above the belly button. This helps center and calm at a deeper level. The last point is on the third eye.

Try It On Your Third Eye

Holding Roman chamomile on this point greatly enhances the function of this point by bringing another level of tension relief, as well as potential reduction of depression, fear, panic and agitation. Combined with lavender, they can be super calming and relaxing.

The third eye point dials down the mental chatter and quiets the mind. It is often used in acupuncture sessions to bring fast relaxation to the patient.


Marjoram, the herb, has a long history of being used in the culinary world for savory dishes and warm, comforting stews. It has also been a traditional European remedy with a long history of medicinal use as far back as Egyptian times.

The essential oil of Marjoram is extremely versatile for treating a wide range of tension conditions. It’s reliably effective relaxing, antispasmodic and analgesic actions help reduce spasms, pain, and general nervous tension. Like Clary sage, this oil is a dependable cerebral sedative for acute episodes of mental agitation whatever the cause and is great for helping rest and even sleep.

Marjoram works on the sympathetic nervous system, our fight, fight or freeze system. It is excellent for acute spasms and pain of both smooth and strained muscles, as well as tension and vascular headache such as migraines.

Acupressure points that are especially great with Marjoram are GB20 and GB21.

You can also just rub it into any pain spots you may have since they are not all the same for everyone. Layer either lavender or roman chamomile or all of them.

Blue Tansy

Blue Tansy essential oil is easily one of my favorites. It is known as the Bringer of Flow in that it circulates energy and promotes relaxation. In addition, it clears excessive heat. This is helpful for when there is lots of emotional tension and irritability, ‘hot headedness’, spasm and pain. Blue tansy is a vasodilator meaning that it dilates the blood vessels so that blood flows easier.

Blue tansy has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic and antihistamine actions making it super useful with headaches triggered by allergens.

This beautiful blue oil has lots to offer in the psychological area as well. It exerts calming effects that work well in anxiety states, agitated depression and acute panic states. It can offer emotional stability when feeling conflicted and distressed and stubborn. Sometimes headaches can be triggered by severe emotional states. Blue Tansy is a wonderful ally.

Acupressure points that do especially well with Blue tansy are LV2 (Xing Jian) and LV3 (Tai Chong).

These are just a few of the top essential oils that I have found can bring migraine relief. To be effective it is best to apply them two to three times daily. Hold each point with the right essential oil and breathe deeply.

You may find yourself breathing easier and feeling lighter.

For a complete guide of the Aroma Acupressure Method, get my book!