Five Element Power
Have you ever been told you’re too sensitive, angry, introverted, happy, or too anything?
Maybe you have been trying to make yourself “fit in” when you just couldn’t.
Maybe you have had chronic or persistent health problems that you can’t seem to shake?
Maybe you keep finding the same type of relationship that keeps you feeling lonely or unloved?
Are you frustrated with the way things are and just don’t want to do what everyone else is “supposed” to do?
Luckily, you don’t have to struggle with those feelings any longer.
you are unique and nature made you that way on purpose.
We have a unique innate blueprint that the ancient Chinese figured out over 2500 years ago.
we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.
However, they realized that one of those Elements would tend to go out of balance when under stress. They also figured out that by having that element balanced they would be able to realize their best self and activate their super power.
They found that the earth we live on goes through different phases throughout the year… And as humans we are born with all of these Elements within us:
Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal
We are all born with “challenges”, in this life. And how we deal with them is through the lens of our element.
Imagine having the keys to shifting your relationships so they are easy and fun again, where you can be yourself and they can be themself.
The Five Elements are like magic medicine that can enhance your health just like they have for two millennia.
Life can become easier when you flow and align with your true nature
Here’s How I Can Help You!
Work with me One on One
Hi, I’m Merina
I am a Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Metaphysics, original creator of the Aroma Acupressure Alchemy, and author of Acupressure with Essential Oils.
I work with the alchemy of the ancient Five Elements along with modern technology to unravel the root cause of physical and emotional pain so you can Awaken and Align with your True Nature.