Essential Oils For Burnout


Are you feeling run down and stressed? Do you feel like you are constantly working, but not getting anything done? If so, then you may be suffering from burnout. Burnout is a condition that can occur when someone is overworked and has no time for rest or relaxation. This can lead to physical and emotional health problems. Try using one or all of these essential oils to help you recover and feel vital once again.


Patchouli essential oil is energetically grounding and stabilizing, making it perfect for use during times of transition or when you need a little extra support to stay focused and clear.

Cleansing and clarifying, patchouli can dispel confusion and help you get back in touch with what's important.

With its woody, rooty scent, patchouli is also a great choice for diffusing when you need a little extra grounding energy in your space.

Place it on the bottoms of the feet of (K1) acupressure point to feel grounded in your body.


Jasmine essential oil is a sweet-smelling floral oil that has been used for centuries for its sensual and therapeutic benefits. It is known to support the emotional body and regulate moods.

Jasmine oil is especially beneficial for those who suffer from low confidence, depression, guilt, shame and insecurity.

It can also be helpful for recovery from postpartum depression and sexual trauma. The aroma of jasmine oil is very calming and helps to clear the mind so that thoughts are simple and easy to process.

Jasmine enhances creativity, inspires artistic expression, confidence and optimism. It arouses an appreciation of beauty in the world with its intense floral scent and expands the heart chakra while dissolving emotional blocks that hinder personal growth.

Diffuse it or put a few drops (diluted with a carrier oil) on the womb area to help heal shock and trauma, calm the mind, and nourish the emotional body.

CLary Sage

Clary sage essential oils comes from the natural herb that has been used for centuries to relieve women's health issues. It can help the body regain hormonal balance, regulate PMS and menopausal issues such as cramps or insomnia.

It also has mild euphoric actions which assist in calming anxiety while reducing stress levels all along with depression, monkey mind, headaches, and panic attacks.

Clary sage is beneficial for use in times of personal challenges or change, especially when there is external stress and pressure such as a mid-life crisis.

It is also an important remedy for the nervous system and can systematically restore a weak, debilitated nervous system as well as relax a tense, wound up system. Its sweet fragrance energy fosters emotional stabilization and its green fragrance energy provides calming for the entire system.

Clary sage excels in helping those whose irritability and scatteredness and emotional confusion arise from weakness and a lack of ones deeper emotional and energetic core. In so doing it has a softening effect that can help us dissolve any unnecessary hard protective structures we would normally use in relating to others. It can help satisfy the yearning for unknown within us, stirring up long lost feelings and buried aspirations.

Inhale to calm the nervous system or place on the adrenals (mid back) to help balance hormones and regulate stress levels.

Burnout Diffuser Recipe

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