Essential Oils For Holiday Anxiety


The Holidays invariably bring up a myriad of emotions that can trigger stress and anxiety.  

There are numerous reasons why we get triggered, but what’s important is how we can manage and then transcend them so they don’t own us.  These three oils are a good start for helping you separate a bit from the overwhelming feelings and allow you the breathing space to reassess from a place of ease.


Lavender is famous for its ability to relax and calm us when we are stressed.

That’s because it is an autonomic nervous system regulator and systemic nervous relaxant. Plus, it has analgesic, (pain relieving) qualities as well being a spasmolytic, meaning that it can reduce spasms and cramps.

It also has mildly cooling quality that can help reduce irritability, anxiety and stress related conditions including insomnia.  I would like to propose that you can use it to calm a racing mind too. Its ability to move you to the place between your breaths can bring a reprieve from the incessant thoughts that cause monkey mind.

On the emotional front, lavender can assist in getting past insecurities and being open to speaking one’s truth. Sometimes unexpressed emotions can lead to all sorts of dis-ease. Using lavender as an ally to help express feelings could save so much suffering, on many levels.

You can place a drop in your palms and breathe it in for several deep breaths to relieve anxiety and come back to calm.


Frankincense is an incredible immune builder. It fortifies the mind and helps increase spiritual awareness and balance.

Using this on the center of your sternum and holding it there for three minutes can bring a profound shift into the depths of your alignment with your own high self. Breath it deeply with reverence and feel your mind melt into bliss. 


Sandalwood is the meditation oil of great fame for good reason. It centers and grounds while also connecting us with our Source. You can then feel connected to yourself again and act from your own truth.

You can place a drop in your palms and breathe it in for several deep breaths to relieve anxiety and come back to calm. You can also place a drop on the bottoms of your feet to help you ground into the present moment.

I am wishing you an easeful and joyous holiday season! For more support with anxiety, get the complete guide in my book Acupressure with Essential Oils: A Self-Care Guide to Enhance Your Health and Lift Your Spirits!