Grounding Acupressure and Essential Oils For Children


Grounding is the process of reconnecting to ourselves and to the Earth. Some signs that your child may be need some help grounding could be:

  • Flying off the walls energy

  • Eyes glassed over when it’s not nap time

  • During a move or a big transition

  • After a lot of social interaction

Try This Acupressure Point

Kidney 1 is an amazing point for grounding the body's energy. It helps with clarity of thought, headaches and insomnia. Young children respond fantastically to this point being gently pressed.

Breathe deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Gently press this point on both feet with thumbs to ground the body's energy.


K1: The Grounding Point

On the sole of the foot between the 2nd and 3rd toes. Roughly 1/3 of the distance between the base of the second toe and the heel. A slight dip can be felt at this point. On both feet.

Mom tip for getting these points on babies: Hold baby’s feet while they dangle in the carrier.

Grounding essential oils

You can use one of these oils on the acupressure point (be sure to dilute- see guide below) or you can diffuse these oils near your child.

Merina Grounding With Essential Oils.png