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Merina Wellness Membership!

Every new season, and during each month I provide you with tools that help you navigate your life, health, emotions and mindset using the power of the Five Elements. Sign up now, join me, and get ready for a fun ride towards Living in Balance, Harmony and Happiness!!


During these stressful times of conflicting information and future uncertainty so many families are struggling with physical pain, internal turmoil, emotional upheaval and mental breakdowns. Feeling disconnected, isolated, angry, depressed, and even abandoned by our government and families. Seems that no matter how much we try things continue to be difficult.

there is hope

My commitment is to help you thrive with ancient Five elements wisdom.

Membership Benefits!


Supplement Discounts!

You’ll get recommendations on the best supplements for the season. AND you will get my 25-30% off Thorne supplements discount. This savings alone will pay for the membership itself in just one order!

Special Goodies!

Receive exclusive discounts and offerings on essential oils, intentionally crafted products, online courses, workshops and one-on-one mentorship!

Support In The Deep Work

You’ll get my powerful exclusive 90 day “Shift Subconscious Beliefs” program
that will enable you to live more aligned with your super powers for 75% off.

Ready to Jump In?