Supplements For Metal Season

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As the temperature begins its decline, we are faced with an increased disposition to catching a cold or flu aka, flu season. Of course, this is not just any ole’ flu season. With Covid and the focus on taking extra care of our health, it's crucial to strengthen our immune system and especially our lungs. Keep in mind that the metal element rules the lungs which means that they are more susceptible to environmental factors now, more than any other time of the year.

I've outlined the most important supplements that can help prevent the flu, or at least reduce the intensity and duration should you get it. I highly recommend you get a head start and stock up on these particular supplements.

As a member of my membership program I am extending a 25% discount off this highly effective, professional supplement brand. (there may be cheaper ones, but not nearly as effective) I am extending you MY discount and almost positive that you will not find this good a discount on this brand anywhere else. I am being super generous because YOUR HEALTH IS MY NUMBER ONE CONCERN!!

Order enough for three months if you can. It is so important with the change of the seasons and the unknowns of the next few months, that you have a good stock to take care of you and your family.


Zinc: 100-375mg daily

Zinc is a vital mineral that your body uses in countless ways. Its well known for supporting immune function and it’s critical for the development and function of immune cells. This mineral is also fundamental to skin health, DNA synthesis and protein production

Vitamin C: 30 ml, twice daily

Vitamin C plays a key role in processes that amp up your skin's glow factor, and it even supports brain and heart health. Plus, perhaps most importantly (given our current COVID-19 reality), it's a powerhouse for immunity—vitamin C deficiencies have been associated with increased risk of virus-induced respiratory infections, including colds.

NOTE: I recommend trying Lyposomal Vitamin C (not carried by Thorne) but here is a link to a brand I like. THE MOST potent vitamin C I know of. It is a bit pricy, but worth it, especially if you have key health issues that need to be addressed.

Iodine & Tyrosine: 1 capsule, twice daily

Iodine & Tyrosine offers essential mineral and amino acid support for the thyroid gland.* Studies have found L-tyrosine can be beneficial for treating fatigue, a common symptom of low thyroid or adrenal hormone levels. Do not use if pregnant.

Vitamin D: 10,000 iu daily

Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.

Quercetin: 500-1000 mg, twice daily

Quercetin appears to have many other beneficial effects on human health, including protection of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, where it scavenges free radicals and inhibits oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Quercetin can reduce the incidence of oxidative damage to the skin and nerves caused by the natural depletion of glutathione


1200-2400 mg/day

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a sulfur-containing amino acid that facilitates the production of glutathione. NAC is a powerful antioxidant that promotes healthy immune function and helps protect the body from toxic insults and oxidative stress. Also good for the respiratory system and helps detox the kidneys and liver. NAC can relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in your air passageways.


I encourage you to do your own research to find out how these can help you. There are quite a few other supplements that can help increase your immunity, but these are a great start.

Enjoy these lovely cool crisp days and stay healthy!

Resource Links!


Lyposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin D