Aroma Acupressure For Transcending Fear


Fear is the emotion affiliated with the water element season of winter. Although we may feel fear arise at any point in the year, this emotion can be more prominent during the colder months.

Fear is at its base, a result of loss. This article explores the two types of fears that Black spruce essential oil is especially helpful for: 

1. When we feel we are separate or alone in the world. Black Spruce helps us move from survival fears and separation into faith and trust in something larger, helping the truth from our depths emerge and emanate. 

2. The Life/Death fear coming from the collective fears of aging and dying can manifest as an ‘addiction to youth’,  treating the elderly as used up, no longer useful. Black Spruce, The Ancient One, allows us to access the wisdom of our life experiences, the wisdom of time, it helps us look into and through our fears into a fuller appreciation of the cycle of life. What emerges is a rooted understanding and growing comfort with the unity of life and death.

Try It On These Points

Governing Vessel 16 or “wind palace” is a window point which has a metaphysical function. It helps to facilitate higher consciousness and fosters an upright, strong, healthy, protected self. The window opens us up to higher realms and connects us to them while dispelling fear.

Black spruce is more potent for activating this point great for third eye and crown. Press the oil on the point. Breathe and hold the for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).

Central Vessel 17 or “Upper Sea of Chi” tends to our heart chakra. Black spruce brings ancient, strong, connected, and peaceful energy to our heart center. When we experience heart ache and heart break it brings a scaffolding of the tree energy, a gentle lift with a strong sturdiness. It allows us to relax and be at peace so we may recover.

Black Spruce’s affinity to support the respiratory system will open the chest and lungs and help remove stagnant energy from old unresolved grief, bitterness, cynicism, and despair.

This point is located along the midline of the sternum between the center point of the breasts. Press the oil on the point. Breathe and hold the for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).

Governing Vessel 4 or “Gate of Life” helps strengthen the kidneys and uplifts the spirit when there is depression or unusual introversion. Our vitality, destiny, and potential are said to be housed in the Jing in the kidneys .

Black spruce activates our memories of that ancient life force and draws it into our own destiny and potential. GV4 is located below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebrae. Hold the point and breathe until you feel a shift (usually 2-3 minutes).

Kidney 1 or “Bubbling Spring” is the first point on the kidney meridian. It triggers the energy and life force up from the depths of our potential and through our energetic circulatory system. Black spruce helps ground and strengthen, anchoring our roots and drawing on the support from our ancestors. 

This point is located on both feet at the base of the ball of the foot, between the two pads formed by the base of the toes. Hold the points and breathe until you feel a shift (usually 2-3 minutes).

Do this on a daily basis, even if you do only one or two points per day. 

There is so much power and potency in helping you connect with the oil, and its healing through the points. 

For a complete guide of the Aroma Acupressure Method, get my book!