Black Spruce Essential Oil For Fear


Black spruce Essential oil comes from the conifer family and grows throughout northern US and Canada. The essential oil is derived from the needles and the twigs of the tree.

Black Spruce is especially useful during the Water Element season (winter) because of its hormone rejuvenating properties.

It supports the Adrenals which are an integral part of the Kidneys. The kidneys are the organs that take the biggest blow when we are stressed and are the first to weaken in the body as we age. So take care of your kidneys, drink plenty of water, and supplement your self-care with the incredibly supportive, strengthening and deeply grounding nature of this ancient tree energy.

Physical benefits

Primarily a restorative to the endocrine system, and the immune system.

Endocrine system: targets the pituitary-adrenal and thyroid systems. Regulating them and restoring them. Especially useful for conditions such as adrenal fatigue and exhaustion, low thyroid symptoms such as afternoon fatigue, salt cravings, metabolic disorders and chronic asthma,.

Use on the AromaAcupressure for Hormonal happiness: These would be KD6, Adrenals on the back, and KD27.

As an Immune enhancer it can assist with immunodeficiency disorders and chronic infections. Black spruce has antimicrobial properties and can assist with material respiratory infections such as colds, bronchitis and chronic infections in general. To boost the immune system you can place Black Spruce essential oil on the Thymus and ST36.

As an anti-fungal it may assist with intestinal fungal issues and candidiasis.

Emotional benefits

On the emotional level, Black Spruce allows the truth from our depths to emerge and emanate. It allows us to access the wisdom of our life experiences, the wisdom of time, it helps us look into and through our fears into a fuller appreciation of the cycle of life. It soothes primal fears and helps us connect to Source.

Spiral Spinal Treatment

This treatment can be done with Black Spruce, Juniper Berry, Silver Fir and other conifer tree oils. The Conifers provide a strong stable and grounding energy that supports us.

It stimulates and uplifts Qi, strengthens and supports the physical and emotional body and reunites the small self with the Higher Self to help us to fully embody Spirit.

Try it on this point

Central Vessel 17 or “Upper Sea of Chi” tends to our heart chakra. Black spruce brings ancient, strong, connected, and peaceful energy to our heart center. When we experience heart ache and heart break it brings a scaffolding of the tree energy, a gentle lift with a strong sturdiness. It allows us to relax and be at peace so we may recover.

Black Spruce’s affinity to support the respiratory system will open the chest and lungs and help remove stagnant energy from old unresolved grief, bitterness, cynicism, and despair.

This point is located along the midline of the sternum between the center point of the breasts. Press the oil on the point. Breathe and hold the for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).