Caring For The Water Element Organs: Bladder and Kidneys


Over the thousands of years that Chinese medicine has been around they have found that our bodies have a cyclic biorhythm that we go through daily. Each organ system functions at its best during certain hours of the day. The powerful phase for water begins at 3pm.

First the bladder from 3-5pm and then the kidneys from 5 to 7pm.
It's during this time that the organs need "their" time and where they are their strongest.

Not taking care of your water element organs can lead to symptoms such as bladder issues, hormone havoc, bone and joint pain such as arthritis, even dental problems because kidneys rule the bones. Also, ear problems, loss of hair, brain issues, and low back pain.

Notice how many of these ailments are associated with old age? Thats because the kidneys take a beating during life from the stress that we are constantly under. All the more reason to be gentle with your body and your mindset.

Let’s start with bladder time. Ever notice how often the 3pm slump hits? Oftentimes its due to eating too much or the wrong foods for your body, that it takes longer to digest.

If that is the case, listen to your body and relax, or take a quick nap. Although the temptation is to stimulate with coffee or my favorite, chocolate it is best, and the most honoring to your body, to take a quick respite. Then your second wind can kick in.

Bladder time is the perfect time to work and study. Make sure to hydrate as the bladder is all about water. As you do your body will be able to detox so that it can cleanse and be ready for the next phase of the kidneys.

Kidney time, between 5 and 7pm is the best time to eat a light dinner. Now that you have cleansed the last two hours your body is ready for nourishment. Preferably lots of vegetables because they are water based and help the kidneys and adrenals restore their strength.

The kidneys are the storehouse of our jing, the life force we were born with and they are the last to go before we pass. The more we take care of them and honor their needs the longer and better quality of life we will have. The hormones will be able to remain stable longer and your energy levels and vitality will be more consistently good.

Some other water element strengthening practices include listening to music that is soothing to your system. Kidneys rule the ears and even though water element types usually like silence, it's beneficial to have soothing music to distract from the fear thoughts that often come with an out of balance water element. You could listen to a guided meditation or even play the sounds of the ocean waves in the background.

Another uber important thing for the water element person or the water element within you is to take some daily downtime. In this technology age where faster is better, many of us have forgotten to take time away from stimulation to let our brain and body rest. In nature all animals take more of their time just being, than hunting and gathering. We as a society have been trained to hunt for more information, more shopping and more social media that we have lost sight of how important NO stimulation is.

Your body needs rest and recovery to rebound for the next wave of activity. If this is ignored burnout can occur leading to adrenal fatigue that many of us suffer from.

If you have burned out and have had a hard time recovering, take these tips to heart. Its REALLY important! You could use your downtime to balance your adrenals by placing some Clary Sage on your back where the adrenals sit and hold it there for a couple minutes until you feel your body take a sigh of relief. You will be amazed at how happy your body and soul will be.

Also, since water element time is fabulous for drinking a nourishing tea, try my Adrenal VitaliTea, to help you strengthen and restore kidney fatigue.