Is Your Child A Water Element Type?


Learning to notice and honor the different energies of different children can make a huge difference in how you relate to and raise them.

When you understand how to communicate with them in the way that’s in alignment with their true nature, you can  not only have a more harmonious life, you can revel in the beauty and joy of who they really are and develop a conscious young human who is living their best expression.

The water child’s tendency is to be reserved and almost distant….or so it seems. They can be isolated and it can be difficult for parents to understand or know how to relate. That can be frustrating to say the least.

The best way for parents of water children is to be ok with their need for space and to reassure them that you are always there when they need you.

Water types have a hard time letting others know they need help. Sometimes they can feel ashamed that they need help and don’t want to appear fearful or needy.

It’s best to have patience and be playful, give them time and be available to hold them and reassure them when they are ready to come out of their shell.

Being available to water children when they are young can help them immensely in being able to cope in their teen years. Especially during those times of peer pressure.

When the water child feels secure in their family life, they will be less likely to be easily influenced by fear of not belonging or fitting in. Helping the water child feel safe to talk about their deep feelings will set a solid foundation for them to express their brilliance.

You could also teach your child about their element and the elements of the whole family so that everyone learns how to communicate with everyone! Family life could be much easier and actually fun!

Want to Learn more about the water element within you? book a discovery call!