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It’s METAL ELEMENT Season. This is an alchemical time when the soil receives the enrichment of the organic matter and transforms into trace minerals and nutrients for more plants, precious metals, gold, diamonds and even fossil fuels for generations to come. As nature lets go of the past, so too are we challenged with letting go of our past and called to find the value in what we have learned and experienced. This is true Alchemy.

Where can you find value and worth in your life and where can you accept what is? Take this learning and allow yourself to be INSPIRED to express the deep creativity waiting to develop and enhance your inner strength, self assurance and self-reliance.

 Tips to Stay Well In Metal Season



The type of nourishment called for during the autumn season are those that warm and foster immune strengthening and sustained support for the winter ahead.




It is so supportive to move energy through the lungs during metal season. Try this 2 minute chi gong routine.



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Metal element rules the lungs which means that they are more susceptible to environmental factors now, more than any other time of the year. I've outlined the most important supplements to help you stay well this season.


transforming grief Meditation


Enjoy this 20 minute audio relaxation where I will guide you to apply acupressure on yourself to release blocks and align with the season.


Aroma acupressure for GRIEF


Acupressure points with essential oils to help balance and revitalize the metal element within you.


detox old beliefs with juniper berry

Learn how Juniper Berry can help you release grief and gain clarity in all areas of your life.


Member Extras!

Support With The Deep Work!

Get my powerful exclusive 90 day “Shift Subconscious Beliefs” program that will enable you to live more aligned with your super powers for 75% off. Book a discovery call to learn more!

Discount on Thorne Supplements!

Get my 25-30% off Thorne supplements discount. This savings alone will pay for the membership itself in just one order! Use this link!