Nourishment For Water Season


Water is obviously the most important ‘nutrient’ we can consume.

Like Air, it is critical for life. Ample water determines quality of your life force over time.

Of course there are foods that are great for the kidneys. In Chinese medicine they tend to be foods that are black in color. That’s because blue and black are the colors associated with water. From the shallow blue beach waters to the depths of the dark sea.

Foods for water season

Foods that nourish the water element, the kidneys and the bladder are: black beans, deep sea fish, blueberries and seaweed and dark leafy greens.

Since the waters of the sea are cold, the kidneys benefit from warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and some Chinese herbs like Goji berries, and Chinese foxglove root. These are best used in herbal teas that you can get from your Chinese medicine doctor.

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