Acupressure With Essential Oils For Digestive Health


It all starts in the Gut! Our Center...the place where all the sustenance we take in is processed and delivered to the rest of our body, especially our brain.

What we eat and drink directly affects our mood, our sleep, and our levels of anxiety. Applying Mandarin to ST36 will enhance the energy flow of the Stomach meridian and uplift your mood. No wonder It’s considered a good luck in Asian cultures.


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Mandarin is a Rejuvenating Brightener, that brings the effervescence of fortune. It emanates brightness, light and expansion. It also clarifies things. So when something feels heavy and sticky and congealed or contracted Mandarin can be a nice choice to balance that energy.

Try It On This Point


Stomach 36, also known as “three leg mile”, helps to rejuvenate the digestive system. It’s a major point for relieving a variety of digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, and upset stomach.

It’s located on both legs, four fingers-widths below the kneecap, one finger-width outside of the shinbone.

Use Mandarin essential oil on these points to help move chi in the stomach and intestines. Apply pressure and breathe until you feel a shift (usually 2-3 minutes).

More Oils For Digestive Health


For a complete guide of the Aroma Acupressure Method, get my book!