Acupressure With Essential Oils For Immune Support


You can think of the immune system as a network of organs, cells, and proteins designed to defend against disease. Aside from the nervous system, it is the most complex system in the human body and is essential for survival.

When our bodies are functioning well, we don’t notice there is a quiet battle going on inside of us to keep us healthy from all the bacteria, viruses, and toxins we ingest.

Good thing Mother Nature has provided us with two very important weapons against disease-plants and our very own hands. Use these essential oils (plant distillations) and acupressure points to improve your health, get sick less often, and maintain good energy levels.



Eucalyptus essential oil is antiviral, antibacterial and can help open breathing passages. It is deeply soothing and supportive to those constantly facing illness.

It promotes health on the physical, mental, and emotional levels by helping individuals invest in being healthy versus attached to illness.

Eucalyptus can be applied neat. Dilute for children or for those with sensitive skin (1 drop of essential oil for every 10 drops of carrier oil).

Try It On This Point

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Large Intestine 4 or “Joining of the Valleys” is located on both hands on the thumb side, in the webbing between the thumb and the index finger approx. one inch above the web.

This point helps to invigorate the immune system and build resistance to pathogens.

Lightly place eucalyptus oil on the point. Breathe and hold for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift). Avoid this point if pregnant.



Frankincense is an incredible immune builder. Its uses range from relieving respiratory issues, lymph congestion, and even cancer. It fortifies the mind and helps increase spiritual awareness and balance.

Frankincense can be applied neat. Dilute for children or for those with sensitive skin (1 drop of essential oil for every 10 drops of carrier oil).

Try It On This Point

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CV 4 or “Gate of Original Chi” is located four finger- widths below the belly button. This point supplements chi and strengthens against disease.

This is a powerful point to strengthen the whole body, mind, and spirit. It assists with emotional instability resulting from exhaustion and calms the mind.

Lightly place Frankincense essential oil on the point and breathe. Hold for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).

More Oils For Immune Support


For a complete guide of the Aroma Acupressure Method, get my book!