Acupressure With Essential Oils For Self Connection


Do you ever feel disconnected from yourself? This acupressure and essential oil ritual is all about solidifying the foundation of our very being.

Returning us to the sovereign self that we know we truly are but have gotten off track. Perhaps little daily stresses, or a big trauma. These points bring us into harmony with our Self.

For better effect do this 3 days in a row. If you feel the need for deeper healing you can do it for ten days. Then follow up with 1-2 times per week.


Neroli essential oil infuses the body with angelic like energy. It helps release lower vibrational emotions like shame and guilt and brings us into balance

Try It On This Point


Shen Men or “Spirit Gate" is located in the triangle underneath the top ridge of both ears. Pressing this point has a relaxing, calming, balancing - adaptogenic like effect. It brings your energy back to homeostasis.

Lightly place diluted neroli oil on both ear points. Breathe and hold the points for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).



Cedarwood essential oil draws you into your essence, your stable core of being. It reminds your body and nervous system that you are safe and protected.

Try It On These Points

Bladder 10 or “Heavenly Pillar” is located on the back of the neck on the base of the skull on both sides of the spine.

Holding these points connects us to a deep sense of safety within and to our inner pillar of strength. It empowers our transcendence of fear.

Lightly place diluted cedarwood oil on both points. Breathe and hold the points for 1-3 minutes (or until you feel a shift).

More Oils For Self Connection


For a complete guide of the Aroma Acupressure Method, get my book!